House News & Analysis

West Virginia 1: Major Pain

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 1, 2010 · 12:00 PM EST

The voters of West Virginia’s 1st District have been sending a Mollohan to Congress for over three decades, but this year, Republicans are making a very serious run at breaking the streak.

Former state legislators David McKinley and Sarah Minear and others are battling for the GOP nomination…

Idaho 1: How the West is Won

by Nathan L. Gonzales January 29, 2010 · 12:01 PM EST

Walt Minnick was one of a number of Democrats swept into office in 2008, but the Idaho businessman is already planning to be a survivor in 2010, even if his party is buried nationally in a Republican wave.

Over the last year, Minnick, who represents an extremely GOP-friendly…

Hawaii 1: As the World Turns

by Nathan L. Gonzales January 29, 2010 · 11:00 AM EST

After Scott Brown’s (R) shocking win in the Massachusetts’ Senate race, the political world is set to turn almost six thousand miles away to Hawaii’s 1st District, where the cycle’s next contest will be fought.

Democratic Cong. Neil Abercrombie plans to resign at the end of February in…

Illinois Primary: First in the Nation

by Nathan L. Gonzales January 15, 2010 · 1:00 PM EST

Off-year gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia and the Senate special election in Massachusetts have kept things exciting, but the 2010 elections officially begin early next month in the Land of Lincoln. With competitive races for governor and U.S. Senate and multiple House races, it’s a great place…

Ohio 15: It’s Not 2008 Anymore

by Nathan L. Gonzales January 15, 2010 · 1:00 PM EST

The terrain is the same but the environment is very different in Ohio’s 15th District, where freshman Cong. Mary Jo Kilroy (D) and former state Senator Steve Stivers (R) will face off for the second consecutive election cycle.

Less than a percentage point separated the two candidates in…

Stu on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal

January 4, 2010 · 9:12 AM EST

Stu was on C-SPAN's Washington Journal yesterday with Charlie Cook talking about the upcoming 2010 elections. You can watch the video below or click here. They aren't as grumpy as they look in those photos.

December 18, 2009 House Overview

December 18, 2009 · 1:00 PM EST

The national political landscape continues to change to the GOP’s advantage, with voters showing dissatisfaction with the economy and the direction of the country. President Barack Obama remains personally popular, but his job numbers have softened.

The inability of Congressional Democrats to pass a health care reform bill…

New York 1: Job Security

by Nathan L. Gonzales December 11, 2009 · 1:00 PM EST

Republicans and Democrats don’t agree on much these days, but strategists from both parties agree that jobs will be the top issue in New York’s 1st District next year.

After winning the seat in 2002, Cong. Tim Bishop (D) hasn’t faced much of a challenge. But this cycle,…

Michigan 7: Schauer Power

by Nathan L. Gonzales November 17, 2009 · 1:00 PM EST

Mark Schauer is no stranger to winning in competitive districts, but winning reelection next year could be the Democrat’s greatest feat yet.

Last year, the Democratic state senator knocked off conservative Cong. Tim Walberg in Michigan’s 7th District. But he won with less than 49% and Republicans believe…

New York 29: Partisan Guns Blazing

by Nathan L. Gonzales October 16, 2009 · 3:00 PM EDT

Republicans may lose yet another congressional seat in New York this fall, but they’re hoping that their Empire State comeback includes defeating freshman Cong. Eric Massa (D) in the 29th District next year.

Republicans are at serious risk of losing the 23rd District in a special election this…