Redistricting News & Analysis

2022 House Overview (November 19, 2021): North Carolina - Wyoming

November 19, 2021 · 2:27 PM EST

North Carolina. Current breakdown: 8R, 5D (Apportionment: +1 seat). Dec. 17, 2021 filing deadline. March 8 primary. April 26 runoff (if necessary). North Carolina’s GOP-held legislature passed a new map into law without the signature of Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper, who is powerless in the redistricting process. North Carolina Republicans…

Texas Redistricting: A Lone Swing Seat in the Lone Star State?

by Bradley Wascher November 15, 2021 · 1:09 PM EST

One of the largest states in the country will host some of the fewest competitive House races over the next decade. By signing into law Texas’s new congressional map late last month, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott approved a plan…

Iowa Redistricting: Republicans Looking for the Sweep

by Jacob Rubashkin November 11, 2021 · 10:15 AM EST

Republicans defeated two of the three Democratic members in Iowa in 2020 and are hoping to finish the job next year. Beating Democratic Rep. Cindy Axne would give the GOP full control of the four-member delegation and a net gain of one seat on their march to the majority. 


West Virginia Redistricting: When the Music Stops

by Jacob Rubashkin October 27, 2021 · 9:00 AM EDT

In April it was written, and in October it was sealed. 2022 will see at least one member-vs.-member House race.

Back in the spring, census data confirmed that West Virginia’s population had shrunk 3 percent since 2010, and that it would lose one of its three congressional districts in the…

Nebraska Redistricting: Bacon Not Out of the Frying Pan

by Jacob Rubashkin October 18, 2021 · 10:33 AM EDT

For members of Congress who find themselves in politically unfriendly districts, the decennial redistricting process can be an opportunity to shore up their position, either by adding new, more favorable voters, or removing less favorable ones.

But not for GOP Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska.

The retired Air Force brigadier…

Oregon Redistricting: (Mostly) Good News for Democrats

by Bradley Wascher October 14, 2021 · 1:13 PM EDT

On Sept. 27, following a dramatic dispute between members of the Oregon House of Representatives, and just hours before control of redistricting would have shifted to the state Supreme Court, Oregon became the first state to approve a new congressional map for the next decade. 

The Beaver State…

Indiana Redistricting: Solidifying the Status Quo

by Nathan L. Gonzales October 13, 2021 · 9:44 AM EDT

Just because a party can gerrymander the living daylights of a state, doesn’t mean it will. The new congressional map in Indiana is a good example. 

With control of the state legislature and the governorship, Republicans had full control of the redistricting process. But rather than squeezing one more seat…

2022 House Overview: Republicans on the Offensive

August 27, 2021 · 2:30 PM EDT

By Nathan L. Gonzales & Jacob Rubashkin

With census data in hand and President Joe Biden’s job performance in the spotlight, the fight for the House is well underway. Republicans came into the cycle with history and redistricting on their side, but now might have the added benefit of a…

2022 House Overview (August 27, 2021): Alabama - Iowa

August 27, 2021 · 2:29 PM EDT

Alabama. Current delegation breakdown: 6 Republicans, 1 Democrat. Jan. 28 filing deadline. May 24 primary. July 26 runoff (if necessary). No partisan changes expected in the Yellowhammer State, which will retain its seven-member delegation. There is a competitive primary brewing in the 5th District (Northern Alabama), where GOP Rep. Mo…

2022 House Overview (August 27, 2021): Kansas - New York

August 27, 2021 · 2:28 PM EDT

Kansas. Current breakdown: 3R, 1D. June 1 filing deadline. Aug. 2 primary. Republicans are focused on defeating Democratic Rep. Sharice Davids, who defeated GOP Rep. Kevin Yoder in the 3rd District in 2018 and won re-election in 2020. Biden won the district, so Republicans will likely divide Democrats in the…