
New Iowa Map Pits Incumbents Against Each Other

by Nathan L. Gonzales April 1, 2011 · 9:53 AM EDT

With Iowa losing a seat in reapportionment, it looks like Rep. Steve King will face a primary challenge to keep a seat in Congress.

Iowa’s first proposed Congressional map for redistricting puts the homes of two different sets of incumbents in the same districts, setting the stage for…

Redistricting Doesn’t Always Go as Planned

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 31, 2011 · 9:14 AM EDT

All the hard work of drawing a Congressional map can be ruined by a basket of chicken fingers.

Across the country, Republicans and Democrats are feverishly strategizing about how to draw Congressional districts that will benefit their parties for the next decade. But even though districts can…

GOP Struggles to Figure Out Voter File Future

by Stuart Rothenberg March 30, 2011 · 10:11 AM EDT

Quietly so far, a power struggle is now under way for control of one of the Republican National Committee’s most valuable assets: its voter file.

The file, which has been built at the cost of many millions of dollars over many years by state Republican parties and by the national committee, is…

Guy Cecil Returns to Defend Democratic Majority

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 29, 2011 · 1:51 PM EDT

A framed New York Times front page hangs on the wall behind Guy Cecil’s desk.

“Democrats take the Senate,” the headline reads, a reminder of his role on the front lines in helping his party win back the majority in 2006 as political director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

New Democratic poll paints premature fight for the House

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 23, 2011 · 10:35 AM EDT

“The Republican-Obama Seats Put Republican Majority in Jeopardy” declared a recent press release and accompanying poll by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research (D) for Democracy Corps.

Maybe. But maybe not. And if you read the full release, you can tell that the authors of the memo know that they…

Are GOP Freshmen Ready to Rumble in 2012?

by Stuart Rothenberg March 21, 2011 · 12:00 PM EDT

Redistricting may ultimately save some Republican House freshmen who were elected through no fault of their own. But that isn’t stopping GOP insiders from worrying whether freshmen who were swept up on the beach by the strong November tide understand why they won and what they need to do to win…

New York 26: Democrats to Nominate Hochul on Sunday

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 19, 2011 · 1:45 PM EDT

Democratic leaders in New York’s 26th district will officially nominate Erie County Clerk Kathy Hochul on Sunday evening, according to a knowledgeable source.

Hochul will face state Assemblywoman Jane Corwin (R) in the special election to replace ex-Rep. Chris Lee (R), who resigned after he…

Tim Kaine Might Not Be the Perfect Answer

by Stuart Rothenberg March 17, 2011 · 10:41 AM EDT

Sen. Jim Webb’s announcement in early February that he would not seek a second term wasn’t exactly a shocker. Democrats always knew that since Webb isn’t your typical Senator, he might not behave as others have and that they needed a Plan B.

For many, Tim Kaine has remained Plans B, C and D…

Montana Senate: Test(er) Time

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 11, 2011 · 4:30 PM EST

Jon Tester was elected to Senate in one of the best Democratic years in history, and he did it with less than 50% of the vote. Given that, it’s no surprise that the Montana Democrat is a top Republican target in 2012.

Republicans scored an early recruiting victory when Cong. Denny Rehberg…