
Handicapping Long Shots and Late Shots

by Stuart Rothenberg October 19, 2006 · 12:01 AM EDT

If you make your living as a political analyst and handicapper (and the odds are very good that you don’t), you’re facing an interesting dilemma right about now. Do you add every possible House upset race that you can think of to your list of competitive races, or do you keep your list as small…

Ohio Senate: RNC Launching New Statewide Buy

October 17, 2006 · 12:02 AM EDT

Contrary to published reports that the Republican National Committee has decided to “write off” the Ohio Senate race, the RNC is about to begin a new, statewide TV buy in Ohio on behalf of the candidacy of Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH).

The buy, which costs in excess of $1 million, is scheduled to last…

The Fight for Congress: I’ve Seen This Movie Before

by Stuart Rothenberg October 16, 2006 · 12:02 AM EDT

Three weeks ago, some people were talking about a Republican surge that never really existed. Now, others mistakenly are talking as if the page scandal surrounding ex-Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) hasfundamentally changed the election cycle. It hasn’t. What we are seeing, increasingly, is 1994, with…

Kansas 2: Dueling Polls, Differing Perspectives

October 13, 2006 · 5:33 PM EDT

Two recent Democratic polls show Cong. Jim Ryun (R) in a surprisingly tight contest in the 2nd District of Kansas. But Republicans are countering with numbers of their own.

2004 nominee Nancy Boyda (D) is taking on the congressman, hoping to avenge her 56%-41% loss to Ryun last cycle. An October…

New Print Edition: New House, Senate, & Gubernatorial Ratings

October 13, 2006 · 4:36 PM EDT

The new October 13, 2006 print edition of the Rothenberg Political Report is on its way to subscribers. The new ratings are available online, but for the full explanation and analysis, you must subscribe to the print edition.

House Ratings
Senate Ratings
Gubernatorial Ratings

2006 Senate Ratings

October 13, 2006 · 4:20 PM EDT
2006 Rothenberg Political Report
Senate Ratings

For race-by-race analysis and explanation of the ratings, you must be a subscriber to the print edition of the Rothenberg Political Report. For a subscription form, click here. Current Rothenberg Political Report projection: Democratic gains…

2006 House Ratings

October 13, 2006 · 3:47 PM EDT
2006 Rothenberg Political Report
House Ratings

For race-by-race analysis and explanation of the ratings, you must be a subscriber to the print edition of the Rothenberg Political Report. For a subscription form, click here. Current Rothenberg Political Report projection: Democratic gain of…

2006 Ballot Measures: A National Scorecard

October 11, 2006 · 12:05 AM EDT

By the numbers, 2006 will have more initiatives on the ballot than any year except for 1996 and 1914. Here is a rundown of what voters will be puzzling over in the voting booth on Election Day.


Once again, some of the hottest issues on the ballot this year address social issues. The…

The Bankruptcy Double-Standard

October 10, 2006 · 12:02 AM EDT

In these final weeks running up to November 7, accusations are commonplace and the hypocrisy is thick.

“If Joy Padgett can’t even keep her business afloat, how can Ohio families trust her to manage their tax dollars in Congress?” asked a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesperson,…

How Can the Democrats NOT Win the House ... and the Senate?

by Stuart Rothenberg October 9, 2006 · 12:01 AM EDT

After looking at the news for the past 10 days or so, I have to wonder how Democrats can possibly fail in their efforts to take both the House and the Senate.

The national atmospherics don’t merely favor Democrats; they set the stage for a blowout of cosmic proportions next month.
