Louisiana 6: Obama Debuts in GOP Ad
April 22, 2008 · 3:02 PM EDT
At risk of losing another special election, the National Republican Congressional Committee is trying to use Sen. Barack Obama to drag down the Democratic nominee in a new television ad. It’s the first time this cycle Republicans have used the front runner for the Democratic presidential nomination to help their cause.
The NRCC ad goes after Democratic state Rep. Don Cazayoux by repeating the nickname Don “Tax You” and linking him to Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, specifically by pointing to votes where the three Democrats raised taxes. “Cazayoux also supports Obama’s radical agenda on health care,” says the ad. “If Don Tax You gets to Washington, he’ll do what they tell him to do.”
Most Democratic insiders believe Obama’s nomination would be better for down ballot races in November, but Republicans see the Illinois senator as a liability, at least in the Baton Rouge-area district that President Bush carried by 19 points in 2004.
But even though the district is conservative, the race is competitive. Republicans are at serious risk of losing the May 3 special election because GOP nominee Woody Jenkins has plenty of baggage and Cazayoux’s conservative stances on social issues makes him a difficult target. The Rothenberg Political Report currently has the race as a Toss-Up.