House News & Analysis

Florida 22: Perennial Target

by Nathan L. Gonzales July 2, 2005 · 12:19 AM EDT

Every cycle, Democrats unveil their strategy to defeat Cong. Clay Shaw (R). And each cycle, the Democratic nominee is turned away. This time, Democrats hope things will be different.

Elaine Bloom (D) came very close to defeating the incumbent back in 2000. But since then, the 22nd District…

Iowa 3: Da Race for Des Moines

by Nathan L. Gonzales June 17, 2005 · 1:45 AM EDT

Cong. Leonard Boswell (D) is just starting to settle into his new 3rd District seat. But he can’t get too comfortable just yet. After winning reelection in a redistricted seat in 2002, Boswell widened his margin in 2004, defeating GOP attorney Stan Thompson a second straight time.

Ohio 2: Senate Compromise Hurting DeWine’s Bid

by Nathan L. Gonzales June 7, 2005 · 11:50 AM EDT

Some conservatives in southern Ohio are testing the saying that the sins of the father are passed to the son.

The resignation from Congress of recently confirmed United States Trade Representative Rob Portman (R-OH 2) created a surge of candidates – 18 in all – who filed to…

Indiana 9: The Bloodier Ninth

by Nathan L. Gonzales June 7, 2005 · 11:46 AM EDT

Last fall, southern Indiana lost a member of its delegation, but it was Cong. Baron Hill (D) who went down to defeat in the 9th District, not Cong. John Hostettler (R-IN 8), as some may have assumed.

After losing to Hill in 2002, businessman Mike Sodrel (R) kept…

Texas 28: Role Reversal for Re-Run

by Nathan L. Gonzales June 7, 2005 · 11:43 AM EDT

Less than a year ago, Henry Cuellar knocked off incumbent Cong. Ciro Rodriguez in a very close and very competitive Democratic primary in Texas’ 28th District. Now, the freshman congressman is trying to avoid the same fate as his predecessor.

“No member of the Class of 2004 came…

Nevada 2: The Great Wide Open

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 29, 2005 · 9:24 PM EST

Nevada is more than just Las Vegas or even Clark County. It’s Reno, state capital Carson City and the so-called Cow Counties. Since 1996, those areas – and even part of Clark County – have been represented by Cong. Jim Gibbons (R), but that’s going to end next year…

Florida 11: Down By the Bay

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 29, 2005 · 9:20 PM EST

By all indications, Florida’s 11th Congressional District will host a competitive Democratic primary next year. Only someone living in a hole is surprised that the Tampa-area seat is open, considering Cong. Jim Davis (D) has been a likely gubernatorial candidate for at least two years.

Davis’ January announcement…

Pennsylvania 6: New Cycle, (Slightly) New Scenario

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 16, 2005 · 9:02 PM EST

Another less than impressive showing by Cong. Jim Gerlach (R) in Pennsylvania’s competitive 6th District almost guarantees him another tough race next year.

In 2002, the scenario was an open seat with Ed Rendell (D) at the top of the ticket running for governor and driving turnout in…

Idaho 1: Dems Hoping for a Dynamite Race

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 16, 2005 · 8:57 PM EST

Democrats are searching near and far for any and all potential opportunities, hoping that voters in this second mid-term election will want to send a disgruntled message to President George W. Bush by voting against his party in 2006.

The Democrats’ search has landed them in one of…

Illinois 8: Going for the Hold

by Nathan L. Gonzales February 10, 2005 · 9:52 PM EST

Last November, Democrat Melissa Bean pulled off the biggest upset of the 2004 election cycle. Knocking off 17-term incumbent Phil Crane (R) in Illinois’ 8th C.D. was no easy task. In fact, it took Bean two tries and four years to do it. But for the new congresswoman, there…