Redistricting News & Analysis

Republicans Try to Even the Score with New North Carolina Lines

by Stuart Rothenberg July 1, 2011 · 12:20 PM EDT

National Republican strategists, still smarting from creative Democratic map-making in Illinois, finally have a reason to smile.

North Carolina Republicans have a new Congressional map that is likely to cost Democrats at least three seats and quite possibly four in 2012.

Republican insiders are particularly proud that…

2012 House Overview (June 20, 2011)

June 20, 2011 · 10:00 PM EDT

The outlook for the House in 2012 continues to look hazy because of the slow pace of redistricting.

Around the country, Republicans are trying to solidify their 2010 gains, while Democrats are hoping that the combination of a presidential election and the Ryan budget proposal’s handling of Medicare…

Redistricting’s Bottom Line Might Surprise You

by Stuart Rothenberg June 15, 2011 · 9:36 AM EDT

Six months ago, before redistricting had even begun, Republicans were optimistic they would gain additional seats, or, as former Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie put it, that they would “gain or protect” 15 to 25 seats.

Not surprisingly, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Steve Israel (N.Y.) disagreed,…

30 Years Later, Nolan Considers Comeback Bid

by Stuart Rothenberg June 8, 2011 · 9:05 AM EDT

The story of former Rep. Richard Nolan’s possible comeback attempt more than 30 years after he last served in the House may end up merely as an asterisk in any post-mortem of the 2012 election cycle.

But for those of us who love the ebb and flow of…

Arkansas Districts: Delayed Gratification

by Nathan L. Gonzales May 9, 2011 · 3:28 PM EDT

The new congressional map in Arkansas is just a few weeks old but the parties already disagree on who will win the battle.

The Razorback State was a rare opportunity for Democrats to take advantage of the redistricting process, since they control both houses of the state Legislature…

The Shape of Redistricting, Part I: Iowa, Louisiana, Arkansas

by Stuart Rothenberg April 26, 2011 · 9:31 AM EDT

With redistricting completed in three states — Iowa, Louisiana and Arkansas — Democratic and Republican strategists are trying to look on the bright side. In fact, both sides have some reason for disappointment, but also for feeling relieved.

Louisiana lost one district, and Republicans were guaranteed the loss…

Republicans Ready to Unveil Compromise Map in Louisiana

by Nathan L. Gonzales April 8, 2011 · 11:19 AM EDT

After a some failed attempts and a late night of negotiating, Republicans in Louisiana are ready to unveil a new Congressional map that could garner enough support to be in place for the next 10 years.

According to GOP sources, the new map includes two vertical districts in…

FEC: Members Can Raise Soft Money for Redistricting Activities

May 9, 2010 · 9:00 AM EDT

After hours of discussion and a weeklong delay, the Federal Election Commission on Friday voted to allow Members of Congress to raise soft money for some redistricting activities.

In March, the National Democratic Redistricting Trust requested an advisory opinion about whether Members are allowed to raise money for…

FEC Decision on Fundraising for Redistricting Delayed

May 3, 2010 · 10:45 AM EDT

After three hours of discussion on Thursday, a deadlocked Federal Election Commission postponed until next week an important decision about whether Members of Congress can raise soft money for some redistricting activities until next week.

In March, the National Democratic Redistricting Trust requested an advisory opinion about whether…

Democrats Tap O’Shea to Head Redistricting Trust

April 3, 2010 · 9:00 AM EDT

Former Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee National Field Director Casey O’Shea will be the new executive director of the National Democratic Redistricting Trust.

Democrats are making the change after former Executive Director Brian Smoot shifted over to run the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s independent expenditure effort this year. But…