House News & Analysis

Missouri 2: The Lines They Are A-Changin’

by Nathan L. Gonzales September 9, 2011 · 2:59 PM EDT

Even though Missouri lost a seat during reapportionment, GOP Cong. Todd Akin’s 2nd District wasn’t expected to be all that competitive. But once Akin announced he would challenge Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) instead of seeking reelection, this expected yawner of a race turned into one to watch.


New York 9: Special Madness

by Nathan L. Gonzales September 9, 2011 · 2:58 PM EDT

Republicans are within striking distance of taking over a seat in New York City, or at least that’s the way Democrats are acting. With just days to go before voters go to the polls in New York’s 9th District, Democrats are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in television…

Two Former Democratic Aides Raise a Ruckus

by Nathan L. Gonzales September 8, 2011 · 10:08 AM EDT

Nathan Daschle and Ray Glendening are two of the last people you would expect to be politically homeless.

With prominent fathers, Democratic politics is literally in their blood and, more recently, the duo worked at the Democratic Governors Association. But Daschle and Glendening no longer feel the same…

Is Spending Creating a Consensus on Defense?

by Stuart Rothenberg September 7, 2011 · 11:02 AM EDT

It’s 11 weeks until the deadline for the supercommittee to reduce federal budget deficits by at least $1.5 trillion over 10 years or else trigger across-the-board spending cuts, including big cuts in defense.

As Americans shift their focus away from terrorism and toward the nation’s economic future, it’s…

California Redistricting Shakes Landscape

by Nathan L. Gonzales August 26, 2011 · 3:30 PM EDT

Even though California is the largest state in country, political handicappers essentially ignored the Golden State in the fight for the House over the past decade. 

Ten years ago, the congressional map was drawn so effectively to protect incumbents that few seats were competitive and even fewer switched…

GOP’s Early Buys in Nevada Special Paying Off

by Nathan L. Gonzales August 23, 2011 · 1:20 PM EDT

With three weeks to go before the Sept. 13 special election in Nevada's 2nd district, both parties are taking a fresh look at the race and re-evaluating their strategies for the stretch run. But even though the race isn't over, Republicans are starting to believe that they've avoided yet…

Party Crashers All the Rage, Aren’t All the Same

by Nathan L. Gonzales August 19, 2011 · 9:33 AM EDT

Congressional job approval is at an all-time low, and there’s no shortage of anger aimed at the Beltway. There’s also no shortage of people looking to take advantage of the unpopularity of both Republicans and Democrats.

On the surface, Americans Elect, No Labels and might look like…

Nevada 2: To the Victor, Temporary Spoils

by Nathan L. Gonzales August 12, 2011 · 3:00 PM EDT

Nevada’s 2nd Congressional District won’t exist much longer but that’s not stopping the competition for the seat in a special election next month.

A new 2nd C.D. will continue to exist, but because Nevada gained a seat during reapportionment, the district will likely be dramatically redrawn. The seat…

Blue Dogs and Elephants? Dad Can’t Escape Politics

by Nathan L. Gonzales August 10, 2011 · 10:19 AM EDT

Anyone with kids has spent a lot of time reading books with fewer than 10 words on a page. But as the political environment heats up, what looks like a harmless bedtime story can turn into a hidden political message or even astute political analysis.

At least, if…

Debt Ceiling Fight Is So Yesterday’s News

by Stuart Rothenberg August 9, 2011 · 10:45 AM EDT

Well, that was fast. Just days after Congress raised the debt ceiling and finalized a deficit reduction deal, reality slapped the nation in the face in the form of a 500-point drop in the Dow Jones industrial average.

Thank you. We needed that.

The economic news isn’t…