Redistricting News & Analysis

2024 House Overview (June 2, 2023): North Carolina-Wyoming

June 2, 2023 · 2:27 PM EDT

North Carolina
Republicans are poised to redraw the state’s congressional map, leaving up to four Democrats in serious danger of losing their seats in 2024. Last year, the North Carolina Supreme Court threw out the GOP-controlled state Legislature’s gerrymandered map, putting in place a temporary map that resulted in…

Report Shorts (May 5, 2023)

May 5, 2023 · 2:27 PM EDT

Maryland Senate. Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin announced he will not seek re-election, setting up a competitive Democratic primary to replace him. Rep. David Trone is running, as is Montgomery County Councilman Will Jawando. Rep. Jamie Raskin says he’ll take May to decide. Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks is likely…

Report Shorts (April 7, 2023)

April 7, 2023 · 1:28 PM EDT

Arizona's 1st District. The field of Democrats attempting to unseat GOP Rep. David Schweikert is shaping up. Jevin Hodge, who came less than 1 point away from defeating Schweikert last cycle, announced that he won’t run in 2024. Since then, Democratic state Rep. Amish Shah and  former state party chairman…

2024 House Overview (March 10, 2023): North Carolina-Wyoming

March 10, 2023 · 2:27 PM EST

North Carolina
The Old North State is, again, engulfed in a complicated redistricting battle. The map used in 2022, which created seven Republican-leaning districts, six Democratic-leaning districts, and a purple district, was put in place by the North Carolina Supreme Court, controlled by Democrats at the time. But that…

Redistricting Battles Loom Over the 2024 Cycle

by Erin Covey February 17, 2023 · 2:29 PM EST

When control of the House of Representatives hinges on outcomes in just a few districts, each state’s redistricting process can have dramatic consequences. 

Even though most states have wrapped up the decennial redistricting process based on the 2020 Census, ongoing redistricting fights across several states could determine which party takes…

House Results: A Good Cycle for Incumbents

by Erin Covey December 2, 2022 · 2:30 PM EST

Democratic Members of Congress were bracing themselves for disaster. Running in a year marked by economic uncertainty — and widespread frustration with the direction that the country was heading in — incumbents in the party that controlled the federal government expected significant losses.

But catastrophic losses failed to materialize. House…

2022 Election Results: What Happened in the House?

by Erin Covey November 18, 2022 · 2:28 PM EST

Republicans won the House majority, but by a narrower margin than expected. With votes still being counted in a few close races, Republicans are poised to gain between six and nine seats. They needed a net gain of five for the majority. 

Democrats were victorious in the most competitive races.

12 Dates that Define the 2022 Midterm Elections

by Nathan L. Gonzales November 7, 2022 · 1:25 PM EST

The votes haven't been counted yet and the results aren't yet known, but it’s not too early to take a look back at the key dates that have defined the 2022 midterm cycle. 

Some historic moments, such as the confirmation of the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, aren’t…

The 2022 Redistricting Cycle in 10 Graphics

by Bradley Wascher August 4, 2022 · 2:29 PM EDT

With the 2022 redistricting cycle coming to a close over the summer, we now know what all 435 congressional districts will look like this November.

As each state drew its new congressional map, Inside Elections profiled and rated every new district. In…

New Hampshire Redistricting: Finally

by Jacob Rubashkin June 7, 2022 · 4:16 PM EDT

It was never supposed to be this difficult.

Following the 2020 Census, New Hampshire was apportioned two congressional districts: the same number it has had since 1883.

That means mapmakers had the job of drawing one single line, dividing the state into two seats. And for the past century, they…