President News & Analysis

GOP Might Want to Rethink the Ryan Boomlet

by Stuart Rothenberg May 27, 2011 · 9:56 AM EDT

Rep. Paul Ryan, who has been in Congress for a little more than a dozen years, isn’t exactly an overnight success. But the Wisconsin lawmaker’s new status as unassailable GOP economic guru elevates the seven-term Congressman to a level that may be dangerous both for him and his party.

Shrinking Republican Field Benefits Pawlenty

by Stuart Rothenberg May 25, 2011 · 11:27 AM EDT

That former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is widely regarded as one of the top contenders for the Republican presidential nomination says a great deal about the GOP field.

Pawlenty is an articulate, personable former two-term executive of a swing state, which means that under almost any circumstances he’d…

Huntsman: More or Less Than Meets the Eye?

by Stuart Rothenberg May 18, 2011 · 10:13 AM EDT

Scenarios are a dime a dozen when it comes to political candidates, so the problem is figuring out which ones have value.

When it comes to Jon Huntsman’s impending presidential run, it isn’t yet clear whether the former Utah governor is a political powerhouse about to shake up…

Debt Limit Vote: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

by Stuart Rothenberg May 13, 2011 · 10:17 AM EDT

Forget the fights over health care reform, the extension of the Bush tax cuts and any other controversy previously billed by the media as The Big One. The vote on raising the debt limit is so politically significant that any other Capitol Hill fight we have witnessed of late…

Don’t Start Planning Obama Inauguration Yet

by Stuart Rothenberg May 11, 2011 · 10:58 AM EDT

While few are saying it openly, many I talk with sound as if there is no need to wait until November 2012 to declare President Barack Obama winner of a second term.

Given the killing of Osama bin Laden, the expected $1 billion war chest of the president’s…

Does Daniels Really Fit GOP’s Bill? Maybe So

by Stuart Rothenberg May 9, 2011 · 11:34 AM EDT

He is definitely not the person central casting would have sent to play the role of president of the United States. But is Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels at the right place at the right time?

Now that Indiana’s legislative session is over, Daniels promises to decide in a…

How Major Is the Killing of Osama bin Laden?

by Stuart Rothenberg May 4, 2011 · 11:02 AM EDT

The reaction to the killing of Osama bin Laden strikes me as more interesting than the death of the man who plotted so many acts of international terrorism.

Members of the national media treated the announcement of the demise of bin Laden, who has become a symbol of…

Obama, GOP Not Serious About Deficit Deal

by Stuart Rothenberg April 20, 2011 · 9:37 AM EDT

After watching President Barack Obama’s response to Congressional Republicans’ proposals for cutting the federal deficit, it’s awfully hard to credit either side with being serious about finding a viable legislative compromise.

In his speech on fiscal policy at George Washington University on Wednesday, the president talked about the…

Trump in 2012? Not Every Stupid Idea Is Funny

by Stuart Rothenberg April 6, 2011 · 9:47 AM EDT

I debated about filing this column, worrying that writing anything — anything at all — about Donald Trump would only fuel the existing chatter about a possible presidential bid for the Republican nomination by the celebrity businessman.

I decided, however, that a painfully honest appraisal of Trump’s prospects…

An Early Look at 2012 ‘Elite Eight’ Battleground

by Stuart Rothenberg March 11, 2011 · 8:48 AM EST

At least eight states that are likely to be among the most competitive and fiercely fought on the presidential level next year are also headed for high-profile Senate contests that could determine control of the chamber.

The list includes Florida and Virginia in the South, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri…