President News & Analysis

Two Former Democratic Aides Raise a Ruckus

by Nathan L. Gonzales September 8, 2011 · 10:08 AM EDT

Nathan Daschle and Ray Glendening are two of the last people you would expect to be politically homeless.

With prominent fathers, Democratic politics is literally in their blood and, more recently, the duo worked at the Democratic Governors Association. But Daschle and Glendening no longer feel the same…

Is Spending Creating a Consensus on Defense?

by Stuart Rothenberg September 7, 2011 · 11:02 AM EDT

It’s 11 weeks until the deadline for the supercommittee to reduce federal budget deficits by at least $1.5 trillion over 10 years or else trigger across-the-board spending cuts, including big cuts in defense.

As Americans shift their focus away from terrorism and toward the nation’s economic future, it’s…

Party Crashers All the Rage, Aren’t All the Same

by Nathan L. Gonzales August 19, 2011 · 9:33 AM EDT

Congressional job approval is at an all-time low, and there’s no shortage of anger aimed at the Beltway. There’s also no shortage of people looking to take advantage of the unpopularity of both Republicans and Democrats.

On the surface, Americans Elect, No Labels and might look like…

The Nothingness of the Iowa Straw Poll

by Stuart Rothenberg August 12, 2011 · 9:01 AM EDT

Last week, I canceled my room reservation for the week of the Iowa straw poll. I am not going to Ames.

With Mitt Romney, Rick Perry and Jon Huntsman not participating in what is already an event of dubious predictive value, the Ames event became little more than…

Blue Dogs and Elephants? Dad Can’t Escape Politics

by Nathan L. Gonzales August 10, 2011 · 10:19 AM EDT

Anyone with kids has spent a lot of time reading books with fewer than 10 words on a page. But as the political environment heats up, what looks like a harmless bedtime story can turn into a hidden political message or even astute political analysis.

At least, if…

Debt Ceiling Fight Is So Yesterday’s News

by Stuart Rothenberg August 9, 2011 · 10:45 AM EDT

Well, that was fast. Just days after Congress raised the debt ceiling and finalized a deficit reduction deal, reality slapped the nation in the face in the form of a 500-point drop in the Dow Jones industrial average.

Thank you. We needed that.

The economic news isn’t…

Will Debt Dance Be a Disaster for Incumbents?

by Stuart Rothenberg August 3, 2011 · 11:04 AM EDT

Congress, we hear from voters of all stripes on television and in print, is a disaster, unable even to address important questions let alone find good answers. Even with the deal to raise the debt limit and avoid a default, voters surely will punish all incumbents next November, won’t…

In Debt Debacle, Someone Will Have to Blink

by Stuart Rothenberg July 29, 2011 · 9:34 AM EDT

After months of posturing, promising and threatening, the endgame on raising the debt ceiling and shrinking the deficit is approaching.

But after talking during the past few days with a variety of participants and observers, I can find no consensus on exactly what the final result will be.

Debt Ceiling Stalemate Not About Numbers

by Stuart Rothenberg July 15, 2011 · 11:08 AM EDT

There is an old joke, attributed to both Winston Churchill and George Bernard Shaw. It goes something like this:

Churchill: Madam, would you sleep with me for 5 million pounds?

Woman: My goodness, Mr. Churchill ... Well, I suppose ... we would have to discuss terms, of…

GOP Primary Features Two Two-Person Races

by Stuart Rothenberg July 13, 2011 · 10:39 AM EDT

While the Republican presidential race has only just begun, it’s already clear that two early one-on-one skirmishes will be crucial for the serious contenders.

The first battle, Iowa, is shaping up as a fight between former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann.

Pawlenty has…