
New Mexico Senate: Udall Launches Third TV Ad

by Nathan L. Gonzales June 13, 2008 · 1:00 PM EDT

The Republicans just chose their Senate nominee in New Mexico, but Rep. Tom Udall (D) is on the air with his third television ad.

The Democratic nominee to replace retiring Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.), Udall didn’t face primary opposition on June 3, but during the last three weeks of the…

Minnesota 3: Toss-Up

by Nathan L. Gonzales June 13, 2008 · 11:32 AM EDT

If you’re looking for a truly toss-up race in a swing district, look no further than Minnesota’s 3rd District. 

The suburban Minneapolis district is precisely the type of territory and district that Democrats have experienced recent electoral success. And moderate Cong. Jim Ramstad’s (R)…

New Mexico Senate: Simply Enchanting

by Nathan L. Gonzales June 13, 2008 · 11:29 AM EDT

New Mexico will be one of the top presidential battlegrounds this fall, and Republicans are keeping their fingers crossed that the state hosts a hot Senate race as well.

Democrats cleared the field for Cong. Tom Udall, and he starts the general election with a significant lead over Republican…

Mississippi Senate: Is the GOP Counting Its Chickens Too Early?

by Stuart Rothenberg June 12, 2008 · 12:05 AM EDT

CLEVELAND, Miss. — For months, the top issue on the minds of the folks in Northwest Mississippi was the fate of the farm bill in Congress. But a close second was politics. And what they were thinking is not good news for the already weary national Republican Party.

Much as the recent special…

New Religious Outreach Could Land Obama in Legal Trouble

by Nathan L. Gonzales June 11, 2008 · 11:00 AM EDT

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is about to launch his latest outreach to religious voters, but the name of the group could land him in legal trouble.

First reported on Friday by Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody, Obama’s “Joshua Generation” is designed to help the presumptive Democratic…

How Different Will the 2008 White House Map Look From ‘04 and ‘00?

by Stuart Rothenberg June 9, 2008 · 12:07 AM EDT

Illinois Democratic Sen. Barack Obama talks about changing the map in this year’s presidential contest. So do Republicans, who argue that Obama’s poor showing among some Democratic constituencies gives Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) an opportunity to pilfer a couple of traditionally Democratic states…

Arizona 3: New Poll Reveals Little

by Nathan L. Gonzales June 7, 2008 · 3:08 PM EDT

Polling memos are only as valuable as the numbers in them. A May 27 Bennett, Petts & Normington memo in Arizona’s 3rd district claims that Rep. John Shadegg (R) is “extremely vulnerable” but provides few and flimsy numbers from the actual survey to support the claim.

The May 18-20 survey,…

New Mexico 2: Turnout Down in Competitive District

by Nathan L. Gonzales June 6, 2008 · 3:39 PM EDT

There has been plenty of talk about Democratic excitement and turnout exceeding Republican turnout this year and how that bodes well for Democratic prospects in November. But in New Mexico’s open 2nd Congressional district on Tuesday, something odd happened: Republican turnout remained largely…

When Running Is a Family Affair

by Nathan L. Gonzales June 5, 2008 · 4:00 PM EDT

Former Rep. Jim Slattery (D) officially filed his long-shot bid to unseat Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.).

It’s common for candidates to make their announcement with family in tow, but Tuesday’s event was different because Slattery’s son, Mike, is simultaneously running for the state House. Both…

California 4: Brown’s Poll Signals Tough Road Ahead

by Nathan L. Gonzales June 5, 2008 · 3:45 PM EDT

As California state Sen. Tom McClintock (R) was on his way to a primary win over former Rep. Doug Ose (R-Calif.) in the Golden State’s 4th district, a new poll released by the likely Democratic nominee, Charlie Brown, showed him leading both Republicans in hypothetical general election matchups.