
In Need of Fresh Start, Can Bush Turn the Page on Bad News?

by Stuart Rothenberg November 3, 2005 · 9:22 AM EST

So now what?

The president has had a horrible year. But he’ll still be in the Oval Office for another three years. So how does he turn things around, assuming of course that he doesn’t just want to chop wood and cut brush?

I asked a number of veterans of past Washington, D.C., wars about…

House Handicapping Is Getting Very Silly, Very Quickly

by Stuart Rothenberg October 31, 2005 · 10:27 PM EST

I have already written that the 2006 election cycle offers Democrats an excellent opportunity to make serious gains in the House, possibly even the 15 seats they need to win a House majority. A Democratic wave seems likely to develop.

That said, some of the early assertions being thrown around…

Many Republicans Look Ready to Gamble on Immigration Reform

by Stuart Rothenberg October 27, 2005 · 11:31 PM EDT

A fight on Capitol Hill over immigration reform now appears inevitable, even though it carries considerable risk for the GOP. Rank-and-file Republicans are up in arms over illegal immigration into the United States, and they are demanding legislative action.

Nothing illustrates the division…

Democratic Strategists, Take Note: It’s Time to Think Big

by Stuart Rothenberg October 20, 2005 · 11:39 PM EDT

For the first time in a dozen years, the political environment looks right for generic party advertising. But tight finances and the difficulty in getting party committees to agree on a single message could dampen interest in a strategy that worked well in 1980 and 1982 but poorly ever since.

Is the House GOP’s Ace in the Hole Really a Deuce?

by Stuart Rothenberg October 20, 2005 · 11:35 PM EDT

This week’s CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll numbers aren’t startling because they weren’t different from others we’ve seen recently. The president’s job ratings are bad. Congress’ job rating is low. A majority of Americans think the country is headed off on the wrong track.

But while National…

In Modern Politics, It’s Open Season on Congressional Leaders

by Stuart Rothenberg October 14, 2005 · 11:43 PM EDT

Once upon a time, there was a Congress. And that Congress was made up of leaders and followers. The most important among them were the majority leaders, their whips and, in the House of Representatives, the Speaker.

And the leaders were powerful men (yes, Virginia, they were always men in the…

I Never Read ‘Informed Ballots.’ You Shouldn’t Either

by Stuart Rothenberg October 11, 2005 · 11:47 PM EDT

Last week, The Hotline published an interesting collection of responses to the question, “Should media outlets, including The Hotline, run informed ballots of head-to-head match-ups?” “Informed ballots” are ballot tests asked after those being polled are read descriptions of candidates and/or…

The Next Court Fight: Just What the Doctor Ordered for the GOP?

by Stuart Rothenberg October 6, 2005 · 11:52 PM EDT

One Supreme Court justice down, one Supreme Court justice to go.

For Republicans, the next Supreme Court fight isn’t just another test of President Bush’s salesmanship or the party’s muscle in the Senate. It isn’t merely an opportunity for conservative interest groups to rally evangelicals,…

Democrats Need to Find More Than Just a Few Good House Races

by Stuart Rothenberg October 3, 2005 · 11:58 PM EDT

With House Republicans resigned to the idea that they will spend this cycle defending their own turf rather than targeting takeover opportunities, much of the focus will be on Democratic efforts to knock off GOP incumbents and win open seats held by retiring Republicans.

Democrats need a net…

For Republicans, Will It Be United They Stand, Divided They Fall?

by Stuart Rothenberg September 29, 2005 · 12:04 AM EDT

While high gas prices, the war in Iraq and political fallout from Hurricane Katrina have taken their toll on President Bush’s job approval ratings, Republican voters remain loyal to their commander in chief.

But that could change unless Republicans on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue can agree…