
It’s That Time Again: Stu Picks His Winners, Losers of 2005

by Stuart Rothenberg December 15, 2005 · 7:55 AM EST

The end of the year is always a time to assess politics and politicians, which is simply another way of saying it’s time for another “winners and losers” column. Don’t get too excited if your guys won this year, though. Everything could change in 2006. The same goes for those who lost. Remember,…

The 2006 Political Landscape

December 14, 2005 · 9:55 AM EST

These are the states and races we are watching going into next year. Our state-by-state breakdown lists every 2006 race for governor and U.S. Senate, and the currently competitive House races. Subscribers to the print-edition of The Rothenberg Political Report get ratings for every race.…

For Bush, Iraq Isn’t the Vietnam War All Over Again

by Stuart Rothenberg December 12, 2005 · 9:00 AM EST

The analogy of Vietnam is trying to creep into the analysis of why President Bush may have to start pulling troops out of Iraq sooner rather than later, but the two wars differ dramatically in key ways that enhance the president’s options.

Bush’s overall job approval numbers are now somewhere…

Will Democrats Resist What Republicans Couldn’t in 1998?

by Stuart Rothenberg December 7, 2005 · 2:00 PM EST

So far, the Democratic establishment has wisely resisted the temptation to make personal attacks on the president or to respond to the call for President Bush’s impeachment emanating from the party’s vocal “progressive” wing.

But it could prove to be increasingly difficult for party leaders to…

Indignation Aside, Both Parties Are ISO an Iraq Strategy

by Stuart Rothenberg November 30, 2005 · 9:20 AM EST

“What we’ve got here is … failure to communicate.”

That’s the line actor Strother Martin uttered in the classic film “Cool Hand Luke,” but it just as easily could have been said by a thoughtful Member of the U.S. Congress in recent weeks.

Members on both sides of the aisle are sounding so…

Democrats Hope the Bluegrass State Is Just Their Color

by Stuart Rothenberg November 23, 2005 · 1:49 PM EST

While many in the national media have become infatuated with the problems of Ohio Gov. Bob Taft (R) and the possibility that Democrats can ride a wave of voter anger in the Buckeye State, neighboring Kentucky seems to offer Democrats a similar opportunity.

Like its neighbor to the north,…

New Print Edition: AZ1 & Georgia 8 & 12

November 22, 2005 · 7:52 AM EST

The new November 21, 2005 print edition of the Rothenberg Political Report is on its way to subscribers. (Click here for subscription information.) Here is a sample from the current issue.

Arizona 1: Making Up Ground
By Nathan L. Gonzales

After a surprising primary and general election loss three…

2005 Statewide Ballot Initiatives: A Review

November 21, 2005 · 9:38 PM EST

By Louis Jacobson

Most of the attention given to ballot initiatives in the 2005 election had to do with the failure of the four-part reform package proposed by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R). That’s understandable, but it’s also the tip of the iceberg.

Nationally, there were more…

Georgia 8 & 12: Looking for a Silver Lining

by Nathan L. Gonzales November 21, 2005 · 9:31 PM EST

Democrats are on the prowl nationwide, searching for congressional districts to put in play in their effort to win the majority in the House. But while Republicans will be on the defensive in most of the serious races next year, the GOP is pulling out all the stops against two Democratic…

Arizona 1: Making Up Ground

by Nathan L. Gonzales November 21, 2005 · 9:25 PM EST

After a surprising primary and general election loss three years ago in Arizona’s 1st Congressional District, Democrats have never been able to recover. Cong. Rick Renzi (R) is once again a target, with national Democrats excited about their likely nominee, former state Rep. Jack Jackson, Jr.…