
How Can the Democrats NOT Win the House … and the Senate?

by Stuart Rothenberg October 9, 2006 · 12:01 AM EDT

After looking at the news for the past 10 days or so, I have to wonder how Democrats can possibly fail in their efforts to take both the House and the Senate.

The national atmospherics don’t merely favor Democrats; they set the stage for a blowout of cosmic proportions next month.

No, that’s…

New Print Edition: House Ratings & Updates and the Foley Scandal

October 6, 2006 · 3:19 PM EDT

The new October 6, 2006 print edition of the Rothenberg Political Report is on its way to subscribers. You can click here for our latest House rankings, but you must subscribe to the print edition to get the full analysis and explanations.

Foley Fallout: Not So Fast
By Stuart Rothenberg

I know that…

Poor New Hampshire? Don’t Bet Against the Granite State

by Stuart Rothenberg October 5, 2006 · 12:02 AM EDT

Seeking to add states with large minority populations into the Democratic presidential primary mix, the Democratic National Committee has added Nevada and South Carolina to the party’s early calendar.

Does this mean the demise of the New Hampshire primary and the dilution of the state’s…

State Legislative Races Outlook

October 4, 2006 · 12:01 AM EDT

Little has changed in the outlook for the state legislatures since the Rothenberg Political Report published its last rankings on July 7. The only ratings change is in the Alaska Senate, where allegations of corruption involving a number of politicians – including Senate President Ben Stevens, the…

Warning: Races May Not Be As Close As They Appear

by Stuart Rothenberg October 2, 2006 · 12:04 AM EDT

Democratic pollsters are pushing lots of polls that show second- and third-tier candidates performing surprisingly well. If most of these challengers win, the Democrats will gain 30 or 40 House seats.

Obviously, that’s unlikely. Extremely unlikely.

So what are we all supposed to make of…

New Print Edition: Senate, Governor, & House Updates and Ratings

September 29, 2006 · 2:36 PM EDT
The new September 29, 2006 print edition of the Rothenberg Political Report is on its way to subscribers. For subscription information- click here. This issues contains updated news and ratings on the Senate, the House, and races for Governor.

In the Senate, we moved two races (click here for our…

New Print Edition: Senate, Governor, & House Updates and Ratings

September 29, 2006 · 2:36 PM EDT

The new September 29, 2006 print edition of the Rothenberg Political Report is on its way to subscribers. For subscription information- click here. This issues contains updated news and ratings on the Senate, the House, and races for Governor.

In the Senate, we moved two races (click here for our…

Don’t Make Me Say I Told You So: It’s a Bump, Not a Surge

by Stuart Rothenberg September 28, 2006 · 12:02 AM EDT

The ink on my Sept. 18 column warning against overreaction to new polling and alleged “surges” had not yet dried when USA Today released its newest Gallup Poll, predictably asserting the existence of an alleged Republican surge. Others quickly joined the chorus.

First, let’s stipulate that…

The Growing Undecided?

September 26, 2006 · 12:02 AM EDT

We’re only a couple weeks into the post-Labor Day sprint to November, and many voters are only now taking the time to see who is running in November.

As a whole, Republican congressional incumbents are starting off in a weaker position this cycle compared to previous cycles, and even unknown…

The Fight for the Senate: More GOP Headaches, and One for Democrats

by Stuart Rothenberg September 25, 2006 · 12:02 AM EDT

Recent developments have improved Democrats’ prospects in their fight to take the Senate, with the Republican hold on the chamber looking more tenuous than even a month ago.

While the renomination of Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chafee has improved GOP chances of holding onto his seat, Virginia…