Redistricting News & Analysis

Missouri Redistricting: Elusive Competitiveness

by Bradley Wascher June 3, 2022 · 2:29 PM EDT

One of the last states to finalize its new congressional map, Missouri, ended up with a plan that will probably keep the partisan breakdown of its delegation intact. But a pair of open-seat races still guarantees some turnover in the next Congress.

Republican Gov. Mike Parson signed off

Kansas Redistricting: Why Not Split Wyandotte?

by Bradley Wascher May 27, 2022 · 1:24 PM EDT

A drawn-out redistricting process in Kansas resulted in few alterations overall to its congressional map, but the state’s only Democratic-held seat will likely be even more competitive this November.

Kansas is no stranger to dramatic redistricting cycles, and this most recent round proved no different. Earlier in February,…

New York Redistricting Redux: Competitive Empire State

by Jacob Rubashkin May 25, 2022 · 12:36 PM EDT

It’s been a journey to get to a final congressional map in New York, but it looks as if the maps for 2022, at least, are finally completed.

Democrats in the state legislature had drawn a map designed to help their party flip as many as three GOP-held seats. But…

Louisiana Redistricting: Not Much New from Baton Rouge

by Bradley Wascher May 24, 2022 · 3:30 PM EDT

A straightforward status quo update to Louisiana’s congressional map took an anything-but-straightforward path to reality. 

With Louisiana retaining its six House districts for another decade, many Democrats had hoped for the creation of a second majority-Black seat to go alongside the current 2nd District; the state is 33…

Tennessee Redistricting: Down a Democratic District on Music Row

by Bradley Wascher May 23, 2022 · 10:46 AM EDT

Tennessee saw relatively few changes to its congressional map following the most recent round of redistricting, but new lines in the Nashville area almost ensure there will be a change in the partisan composition of its House delegation.

The Volunteer State keeps its nine congressional seats, and while most of…

2022 House Overivew (May 20, 2022): Kansas - New York

May 20, 2022 · 2:43 PM EDT

Kansas. Current breakdown: 3R, 1D. June 1 filing deadline. Aug. 2 primary. 
3rd District (Sharice Davids, D). Biden 51%. The Kansas Supreme Court reinstated the GOP-controlled legislature’s map after a lower court had rejected it as a partisan and racial gerrymander. That means Davids will go from running in…

Florida Redistricting: Tallying the Hassle in Tallahassee

by Bradley Wascher May 17, 2022 · 10:30 AM EDT

Control of the House majority could very well hinge on somewhere like Florida, given its status as one of the most populated and electorally consequential states. And it was one of the last states to finalize a new congressional map this redistricting cycle. But now that we know what its…

Ohio Redistricting Redux: Maps, For Now

by Jacob Rubashkin April 22, 2022 · 12:35 PM EDT

Ohio’s redistricting process for the 2022 midterms appears to have ended as it began: messily.

After a tumultuous process that saw the state legislature and a backup commission fail to (or even make a good-faith attempt to) pass bipartisan maps as required by a new state law passed by voters…

Connecticut Redistricting: Testing the Edges of the Battlefield

by Jacob Rubashkin April 20, 2022 · 3:12 PM EDT

In a sea of uncertainty, some things are easy to project, such as the redistricting process in Connecticut. 

For the third time in as many redistricting cycles, Connecticut’s Supreme Court had to step in to draw new congressional maps after both the state legislature and a backup commission failed to…

Massachusetts Redistricting: A Common Story in the Commonwealth

by Bradley Wascher April 14, 2022 · 2:27 PM EDT

Democrats are poised to take over the governorship of Massachusetts from Republicans and will likely hold all of the Bay State’s U.S. House seats, yet potentially lose control of Congress.

The Massachusetts congressional map received minimal modifications in redistricting. Not only will the state keep its nine seats, but those…