
Podcast Episode 19: Illinois & Ohio Primary Results w/ Erin Covey of The Cook Political Report

March 22, 2024 · 4:43 PM EDT

Nathan Gonzales, Jacob Rubashkin and Erin Covey of The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter discuss key recent primary results in Illinois and Ohio, look ahead to the general election in the Ohio Senate race, and analyze Rep. Bob Good’s GOP primary challenge in Virginia. Erin and Jacob also…

What Biden’s Approval Suggests About November

by Bradley Wascher March 21, 2024 · 5:10 PM EDT

Prediction: President Joe Biden will earn more than 38 percent this November.

Biden’s approval rating, which has been underwater since late summer 2021, hit a new low in the 538 polling average on March 12. Just 37.4 percent of Americans approved of the president’s job performance, while 56.5…

Key Primary Results in Illinois and Ohio

March 20, 2024 · 12:18 AM EDT

By Jacob Rubashkin and Nathan L. Gonzales

Another Tuesday and another set of congressional primary results. Republican voters in Ohio chose a nominee in one of the most important Senate races in the country, chose nominees in a couple competitive House races, and a couple nominees who will likely…

Illinois 12: Bost in Danger of Losing Primary

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 19, 2024 · 11:28 AM EDT

The Chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee is at risk of losing his primary on Tuesday. 

Illinois Republican Mike Bost was first elected in 2014 with a reputation for being a bomb-throwing outsider. Democrats thought his viral rant on the floor of the state legislature was a liability in…

Wisconsin Senate: GOP Puts Hope in Hovde

by Jacob Rubashkin March 14, 2024 · 2:30 PM EDT

Overshadowed by better GOP pickup opportunities in Montana and Ohio, and flashier candidates in Arizona, Michigan and Nevada, Wisconsin’s Senate race has flown under the radar this cycle.

But two-term Democrat Tammy Baldwin’s quest for re-election is quietly shaping up to be the toughest test of…

Key House Primary Results in Alabama, California, Mississippi, North Carolina and Texas

by Jacob Rubashkin March 14, 2024 · 2:29 PM EDT

Candidate filing deadlines haven’t passed in some states, but other states are done with their primaries. Over the last two weeks, a few dozen consequential congressional primaries set the stage of competitive general elections or effectively elected a new member of Congress by choosing a winner in…

Report Shorts (March 14, 2024)

March 14, 2024 · 2:28 PM EDT

Arizona Senate. Independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema announced she will not seek re-election, simplifying one of the most complicated and competitive races in the country. It will be at least a few weeks before there’s clarity on which party might benefit. Even though the primary isn’t until July 30,…

Presidential: Biden and Trump Locked in Close Race

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 14, 2024 · 9:00 AM EDT

While the presidential race is careening toward a rematch, 2024 won’t necessarily be a replay of 2020. 

The race looks familiar with President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump topping the ballot, but both men are bringing more baggage to the contest, creating a level of volatility that…